Hello friends -
Welcome to Planned to Where!

Here’s just a little bit about me and my story…

I’m from Columbus, Ohio and have lived here my whole life. And although Columbus is an AMAZING city with so many great restaurants, shops and lots to do, my biggest passion is traveling and seeing all the beauty that exists in the world!

Just like so many of you, I have a stressful job where I’m putting in long hours each week and vacation time is limited. So, I understand just how precious our time away is for all of us. It is so important that we spend it doing what rejuvenates our hearts! Whether I’m spending 10 days overseas with Andy (my husband) or a long weekend with my girlfriends or family, travel ignites me. When traveling somewhere new, I love to learn as much as possible and really spend time researching the perfect itinerary and all of the “can’t miss” experiences!

So how did I get here…

I am a big believer that when you’re faced with a milestone birthday, a great way to celebrate is going somewhere special! For my 40th, I decided the perfect place would be ITALY!! Italy was always at the absolute top of my list. The Culture. The Art. The FOOD!! Who wouldn’t want to experience Italy and all its magic?! So that was the plan! I would save up and plan a perfect trip to Italy for my BIG 4-0 !!

Well, the universe had a different plan. The pandemic put my Italian Dreams on hold. (No worries - We went to Aruba instead…which immediately became our favorite place on the planet and we’ve returned several times since! Not a bad fall back plan at all. Everything always seems to work out how it’s supposed to…)


So, I didn’t make it to Italy for my 40th but I wasn’t giving up! We decided to go instead for our 15th anniversary. By this time, I had already been envisioning this trip in my head for years. I was putting so much pressure on myself to plan it perfectly. How many chances would I have to go to Italy? Would I ever go back? This could be my one shot! When it came time to FINALLY start actually planning the fine details and booking, I was seriously stressing myself out. There were so many details and tips that I had learned along the way that I was overthinking every aspect of the trip. I work in logistics and getting goods from point A to point B is literally what I’ve been doing for the past 20 years. But trying to figure out how to get myself and my husband all around Italy was completely giving me anxiety! I was terrified of the trains…had NO clue what to expect. Seriously…I was overthinking all of it.

One night, we were out for pizza. Out of no where, I just told Andy I didn’t want to go to Italy anymore. I suggested we just go to an all-inclusive somewhere instead. It would just be so much easier. He was shocked. I had been rambling on for years, talking about where I wanted to go, best times to hit the museums, tips on sleeping on the plane, etc. etc. etc. But I was done. I didn’t want to plan it anymore. It was too overwhelming, and I just wanted to give up!

A couple weeks later, I changed my mind again…

After all…it’s ITALY! That’s when I took another look at my initial plan and realized I was trying to do too much. I had us on the go constantly. Transportation was a nightmare because I had planned it that way. I took a step back and simplified the itinerary. I gave us time to settle-in to our locations, planned a few tours that were a must, and made a couple nice dinner reservations. But the new plan allowed us plenty of time to just enjoy, relax, wander and immerse ourselves.

So after years of envisioning our trip, we FINALLY made it to Italy this past April!

We ended up having an amazing trip! Everything far exceeded expectations. Weather was phenomenal. The food was out of this world (we ate SO much pizza, pasta and gelato!!) I had stressed myself out and worried so much that I almost talked myself out of a trip of a lifetime! I’m a planner at heart. I truly believe the journey is just as great as the destination but I almost missed out on a great opportunity because of my own fears.

I know how stressful and overwhelming planning a trip can be. I’ve been there. And the planning part is actually something I’m good at! So for all you non-planners out there, I feel you! I’m here for you! I want everyone to be able to spend their precious time off discovering new places, experiencing new cultures, and meeting new people.

That’s why I decided to start this travel blog. I want to share my favorite destinations and give helpful guidance to anyone out there that has a dream trip in mind but just doesn’t know where to start. I want to help you plan where you’re going next.

Follow me and let’s journey together!

Quickies about me:

+ I’m terrified of spiders

+ Romance novels are my guilty pleasures

+ I hate public speaking

+ I do wedding invitations on the side

+ Favorite Luggage Brand - Beis

+ I LOVE College Football - Go BUCKS!!

+ Got married in Vegas (intentionally)

+ 1st time outside the US - Riviera Maya, Mexico

+ Favorite spot in US - Asheville probably??

+ Top Spots for a Girls Trip - Napa or St. Pete

+ I have 3 AWESOME cats -

Keita & Sofie (our adopted, bonded 6 YOs)

Romeo (our all-white, 21 YO; dude has used up 14 of his 9 lives and still loving life!)

Your support truly means everything!

The best way to show your love is to stay awhile and read some of my blog posts and share with friends.
But you can also buy me a cup of coffee or two if your heart desires :)

Ok, Let’s Get Deep…

Umm…Travel Philosophy.
Do I have a Travel Philosophy??

When it comes to vacation and travel, I’m searching for my inner peace. My serenity is a new place and embracing the beautiful chaos. Yeah, let’s say it’s my philosophy.

For me, travel is a mindset. It’s a cleansing of my soul and a big ‘ol deep breath that my brain needs to finally shut off for a few minutes. There might be stressors, aggravations, and exhaustion on “travel day.” But when I finally get to my hotel, open up the curtains and take in that view…that feeling is unlike anything else. It’s instant calm.

What to expect? (and not expect)

There’s lots of amazing travel blogs out there. I’m truly thrilled and humbled that you’re visiting and hope you stay awhile!

So let me tell you a bit more about what to expect here on my site…

  1. I’m in my early 40s, married, no children - most of my travel includes trips with my husband; sprinkled in with some amazing trips with great friends and family. A lot of what you’ll see are trips for couples and amazing trips to take with your besties!

  2. My travels aren’t overly extravagant but I like comfort and am ok with spending more on a quiet hotel room with fab bedding…because I also love vacation naps! I usually stay at hotels over Airbnb’s. Just a preference. I’ve stayed at some great Airbnb’s. But I typically look for an amazing little boutique hotel. So those are usually the type of spots you’re going to see here.

  3. I’m not backpacking through Europe…or anywhere for that matter. While I’ll provide tips to save some money along the way, this is not a “budget” blog. Like I said, nothing extravagant. And I’m certainly not over-the-top luxury. But spending the extra money to stay in a great location, or splurging for the private transfer can be well-worth it due to time saved, convenience, and peace of mind.

  4. I do not rush around on my travels. Mindset - I can always go back to experience more. So, when it comes to day trips and activities, know that they are ALWAYS optional! I’m not overly aggressive with an itinerary and will leave plenty of time to relax or explore. I’ll give recommendations for great activities around town. But I’m also not judging if you want to spend an entire afternoon at a café, people-watching. In fact, that’s probably where you’ll find me! I recommend nicer hotel rooms (again, nothing crazy expensive). But I book nicer rooms because I know I’m going to spend quality time there. You’ll never hear me say…”who cares about the room…you’re just sleeping there.” Like I said…I plan for naps in the afternoon. (I know…that was repetitive…but naps are CRUCIAL to my Travel Philosophy!!)

Contact Me

I would love to hear your thoughts!
Where should I plan next?
Drop me a line.


Columbus, OH 43016